My Projects


DSC-SVIT Campus Club

Developed the Community Website of our college, SVIT's Google affiliated Developer Student Club.


Mozilla Gujarat Community

Mozilla Gujarat is a community of Tech Enthusiasts, Open-Source Contributors, and Privacy Advocators. I contributed to developing the Mozilla Gujarat Community's website.


Flutter Bootcamp

Flutter Vadodara Community organized world's first Flutter Bootcamp which was a 4-week event of sessions and hackathon. I contributed in developing this website.


Extended Button Package

I contributed to building a Flutter Package named Extended Button that can expand and shrink whenever the user clicks on the button and provides the functionality of extendibility to the button.


Login Application

I have developed a Flutter Login and Sign-up Page Application with complete field validations, which has been kept Open-Source for any other Flutter developers to contribute to or to use it in their application.


Flutter Basics App

This is a project that I have created for any beginner in the field of Flutter to help them learn this beautiful framework and some basic concepts by experimenting and making changes to the existing project.


MnB Bar Cafe

This is a front-end template that I have developed for any restaurant's marketing and branding website.


Trafix: Smart Traffic System

This is a website that I when I participated in my first Hackathon that shows the traffic points in the city map. The idea was to show the traffic flow and congestion through live camera using Python libraries.


Team AutoVoltz BattleBots 2020

This is a website that I have made using GatsbyJS for the team AutoVoltz; contenders of BattleBots2020. It's a commercial website about Team AutoVoltz to sell the merchandise of the team and the BattleBots tournament.


Movie Streaming App

This is a movie streaming application built in Flutter using Database Models and Parsing Data from Backend using Json and API handling.